• Degree in Law by the Comillas Pontifical University (I.C.A.D.E -E3)
• Degree in Business Administration and Management by the Comillas Pontifical University (I.C.A.D.E – E3)
Specialised in corporate and international taxation and family business. She has advised foreign and Spanish multinationals on national and international operations and has experience in mergers and acquisitions, restructuring operations and tax planning. She also provides advice on inspection and contentious-administrative proceedings and on local taxation and sponsorship.
- Tax Law.
- Business Restructuring Operations.
- International taxation.
- Family Business.
- Tax Litigation.
- Local Taxation.
- Patronage Taxation.
- English
- Bar Association of Madrid (ICAM).
- Member of the Spanish Association of Tax Advisers – AEDAF.
- Chosen for inclusion in the 2019 edition of The Best Lawyers in Spain for her work on Tax Law.
- Collaboration in the book published by Enrst & Young Abogados “Impuesto sobre Sociedades” (Aranzadi – August 2013).
- Coordinator of Memento Transmisión de Empresas, as a professional of Deloitte Legal (editions 2016-2018).
- Coordinator of the book “Jurisprudencia Práctica” as a professional of Deloitte Legal (editions 2017 and 2018).